My email. For what it’s worth.
Good evening,
I want to note that there are currently two threads on the Suunto app feature request forum dedicated Interval workout functionality - essential to any athlete looking to improve their performance. These thread were started one year and five months ago, respectively. Presently, there is no good way for the 9 (the watch I have) or the Spartan series to guide athletes through these workouts. And yet, this functionality that is already in place for the Ambit series. It exists on most other manufacturers’ devices as well. (Certainly those in the Spartan series’s price range.)
The individuals who post on that site are dedicated Suunto users…your biggest fans. I appreciate Suunto’s work to integrate Strava. I am fond of the interval data embedded in the description of activities when I use the (limited) interval features on my 9. However, other manufacturers’ devices automatically create laps based on these intervals and this information is also sent. This sort of functionality would be a welcome addition, but only a first step towards incorporating the critical functionality described above (and requested by so many).
I respect the inclination to work meticulously, and to avoid over promising. But, I can’t see how keeping your most fervent fans in the dark for a year is the best strategy.
Sent from my iPhone