I went form Spartan Wrist HR to S9PP last August.
Compared to the Spartan, the S9PP counted more steps, but it looked still okay until round November update when it started to get ridicioulouse high counts of 14-16000 Steps on a normal day. Even things like brushing teeth or moving the mouse where counted.
Now it looks back to normal again.
I didn’t change my routine, go running twice a week, ride my bike several times a week, go for hikes. Distance remained the same but steps in relative where much to high.
The green bars are the duration down below - black are the steps. 2023 with the Spartan looks okay, with the S9PP it gets to high and even higher since November 2023. When the black line is much higher than the green bar it seems that something is wrong.
Steps fixed after the last update:
Switched from Spartan to S9PP in August
Update in November
Values from the Spartan till August (did many hikes in May in Südtirol)
Values going up after Update in November and are back to normal since last update.