@isazi Hello, sorry, I’m idiot, I was looking in the installed apps.
Found, installed and tested. It gives the information I was looking for.
If I had to “complain” or suggest about something, it’s that I find the distance feature somewhat irrelevant, especially when it keeps iterating. In a future version, it would be great to have the option to choose whether to display only the distance, the time, or both, and to have it iterate accordingly.
I find it amusing that it displays distance while stationary, and even more so that it detects something different from zero, in principle, but it’s more anecdotal than anything else.
It could also be implemented directly in the hiking mode, instead of having to use one of the two additional apps that you can add to the activity. I think it would improve the functionality and wouldn’t be difficult since the data is quite basic. However, the app serves perfectly well for what I was looking for as it is.
Thank you very much to everyone for the help.