@Brad_Olwin That’s my plan actually, I will make an activity each day and not keep it running all the time. I can easily understand that would be problematic when transferring the file.
As you say, measuring HR will decrease the battery life, but on the same time I would say GPS draws even more power. In Tour mode the watch turns everything off and lowers the GPS accuracy to low and data logging for that to 30 min intervals. In Custom mode, you can’t even turn the GPS to that low setting, there is only Best and Good as alternatives and I feel like the Custom setting is a bit redundant as you can’t really affect almost anything in there.
An example, my watch has now 50% of battery left, Performance gives me 19h, Endurance 30h, Tour 199h and 31h, so Endurance and Custom settings are almost identical in battery life. Only difference I can make is if I want to shut down the display after 10s or not, that gives the extra 1h. And from that you can also see how huge difference in battery lifetime the GPS setting makes.
I am very glad of the presets, they give you already a good base point on what you want to do, but I feel that giving a custom setting as possibility should really have something that would make a difference and really feel like a custom setting. Also, in the settings of the activity, you already have a separate place where you can manually switch wrist HR on/off if you want what ever the setting is, only difference is the Tour mode, that completely takes that option out.
Looking at this now more thoroughly, I would say there is two possible, quite easy solutions to make this work better.
Keep the wrist HR setting available on all preset battery settings. When switching to Tour mode the setting could turn off that, but if you want, you could manuallu turn it on.
Add low GPS mode to the custom setting (I think this should be even easier to add)
This would then allow for a more specific “Trail” mode", HR available if you want, GPS settings as high or low as you want, Bluetooth off and a lot more battery life when on the hike.