Since the app knows the POIs, it seems like it should be relatively easy to export them to a set of GPX waypoints from the app – easier than exporting a route.
The biggest caveat is that you’ll just have to assign each waypoint type a consistent number, and have a key somewhere. My recollection from years ago was that the waypoint types in Garmin and Magellan were totally different, and there was no standardized meaning. For example, my garmin didn’t have “kelp forest” symbol that is offered by suunto.
Thus on import, the app-chosen symbol could be very interesting, if the waypoints originate from a garmin or google earth. But as long as the error-checking is good, they can either become all the default symbol, or all the symbols corresponding to the suunto data set, based on a yes-no question.
Perhaps the POIs are stored with the map tiles for speed in rendering; but there has to be some master key, or they would be very hard to edit.
<wpt lat=“36.24020560” lon=“-115.53070381”>
<sym>Navaid, Green</sym> //don’t know what would happen here
<type>Navaid, Green</type> //or here
//note when topografix programs export a waypoint to a kml file,
// they do this: