Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!
@Kk2n-Kk said in Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!:
@Egika my wish is simple. A watch that does not reboot in middle of my workout.
That is understandable. Now I still don’t get the point of posting this here.
The forum is not the wishing tree.
Posting this just has no effect on anything. -
@Egika I believe wishing for restart free watch is not a “wishing for feature”. And if not this forum, then where to feedback the issue?
@Kk2n-Kk I think everyone here has heard you.
We get it. You don’t own a Vertical but you have heard from friends and retailers your anecdotal stories and wishes and dire warnings. Guess we can move on now?
@mikekoski490 Not heard… correction. I saw with my own eyes… we were running together and he bought it upon my recommendation as I am known as Suunto fanboy here
@Kk2n-Kk we are not on the same page.
Suunto already has the same knowledge as you (and more in depth):Some Suunto Verticals can crash mid-activity.
This is being worked on.
If this is your knowledge, what do you want to contribute now? -
@Kk2n-Kk An anecdote is a simple retelling of something that happened. Cheers.
@Egika all right. Great. I’ll just wait and see if that “in depth” knowledge will result in crash free watch after the fix.
@Kk2n-Kk How, without a SV?
Seriously, you’re just stating that someone had a crash but you cannot share any additional/ necessary information (setup, s+, etc.).
I never had a reboot with the SV nor my fenix 7sSS; however in the garmin forum there are also folks with reboots.
So, what are you trying to achieve? You write in every single thread that Suunto’s dead … -
@Egika said in Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!:
With a statement like “this is not acceptable” - what would anyone here expect to happen?
Perhaps a proper QA testing cycle? A different group of QA testers that use the watch differently? Realistic deadlines for hardware and software deliveries? An open beta program like Garmin, COROS, and Apple have? An ability to report and vote on issues, like Garmin did? A statement from the company rep saying they are aware of a problem and looking into it? A timely fix?
There are a lot of things you can actually do, apart from sneeringly dismissing users’ concerns and defensively attacking them @Egika. You haven’t gotten that many users left!
- Make Suunto change their processes, because you think you know how it works better? -> really?
Well, if I were to put out a release like the Vertical, the next morning I’d have a short chat with my boss and HR, and then security would take away my badge and escort me off the premises. Which is a big reason why I don’t put out releases like that.
But hey, I only got 25 years of experience in software industry… What do I know?
Since you obviously believe that Suunto’s process is fantastic and testing is top notch, could you please explain why the offline maps don’t work? Or how can a broken recovery timer be missed during testing? Or why calories do not add up?
@NickK @Kk2n-Kk (so many K’s, but you are different individuals I guess):
Imagine that! There’s more than one person who’s for some reason unhappy and has K in his handle. I think we should outlaw Ks.
@Egika said in Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!:
Some Suunto Verticals can crash mid-activity.
This is being worked on.Does this mean that it’s not hardware related, but a mix of settings? If so, can Suunto recommend what settings to change or disable in the meantime so that people can avoid crashes mid-activity until the hotfix arrives?
@surfboomerang said in Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!:
Seems some kind of weird settings cocktail which triggers the reboots/crashes.
We are talking Suunto, not Garmin, right? It practically has no settings.
So, if by “weird settings cocktail” you mean starting a run activity, or starting a run activity with an S+ app… well, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m supposed I’m too weird for Suunto. And @Egika hates Ks in my name too.
@lessthanmore well , it is dead here in my country. That’s the fact . I don’t say it is dead over there. I said before , you can search , in my country , Suunto is nearly finished. You can come here and I’ll show you . To add insult to injury, even if you try to sell secondhand Suunto here cheap, no one wanted to buy. Try selling beatup Garmin, many will queue for it .
And I didn’t merely see… I played with my friend sv, tried to fix or workaround the issue before he finally gave up. It restarted even as we run together, I saw it and then when I tried to fix it by soft reset…
What I wanted to achieve? Suunto to get back to ambit root, release something with even basic feature that works . I really really want to see Suunto back to what It was before. But at this rate, I don’t hold my breathe
@Kk2n-Kk Come on, what do you expect, that a private company tell you the root cause of their bugs before they are solved or even iafter they are solved? You haven’t seen this in any company and IMHO is quite logical.
Where I work we do not tell our customers which are the bugs of the machines or how to solve them as you can imagine.I do not have a SV (I plan to get one for my birthday in some long months) but I am in the Spanish telegram forum where you can get around 250/300 messages per day and I think I only have seen one or two people complaing about restarts that where solved with hard resets.
So I think that restarts happens to few users, not the vast majority. Where I live we have a saying: one time is bad luck, two times is coincidence and 3 times is the KGB (for the joungsters KGB is the CIA from URSS), jocks aside what I mean is that you can get a faulty device, but if with the second one you have the same issues and other people don’t probably you have something that triggers it and as you have been told Suunto has found it. Because I guess your friend has asked for a replacement, hasn’t he?
@cosme-costa I’ve been in software industry for 30 years. If I were to launch something like what happen in vertical now, or anyone here in the region, the next thing you know, you’ll be out of office, with pink slip of retrenchment and many will queue to take my place. And yes, we have to list down acknowledged priority 1 bug publicly to our customers and then fix it pronto, even if we don’t sleep to fix it. Yes I have many sleepless experience in my decades in software industry… You cannot simply wait till months. Suunto might be private company, but it sells its product to public
Well, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I got my first Suunto in the autumn of 2003. It was a X6HRM. And it´s still a working beauty. BUT: Some weeks after I purchaised it, the watch got out of order during a run. I contacted my dealer in Ulm (Southern Germany), he wrote to the manufacturer in Finnland and the watch had to go back to Suunto. It needed a softwareupdate for the pressure-sensor. 4 weeks later, I got it back and since then it never failed again. I have the SV since 16th of may and I think, the manufacturer deserves a change to fix the software. I had lots of fenixes and the very quirky epix (the first one, the square). The first epix was the only real disappointment. With the other watches from Suunto and G… I allways had lots of fun.
K. -
My Garmin 530 restarts mid activity every 3/4 months and loses the connection with the sensors more often even, and I only do MTB 3/4 times every month. So, what I should do? Should I go to Garmin forums and shout there?
And do not get me wrong because I understand you, I am very pissed every time that this happens to me.
@cosme-costa said in Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!:
Where I live we have a saying: one time is bad luck, two times is coincidence and 3 times is
How do they call it when you swap one watch edition for another, supposedly only different by a single hardware feature, and experience several times more issues hard reset after hard reset?
@Kk2n-Kk please repeat after me: o great Suunto holy is thy name, deliver us from Garmin! Amen!
I’m out of here. This is pointless.
@cosme-costa disclaimer, I’m not nick , lol even with the K in my name.
Which one Suunto will prefer? Customer shout so they know and fix the issue (which is what happen in Garmin forum) or customer never shout, and just quietly drop the Suunto ? (Which is exactly what happens here, because not many ex Sg Suunto customer know the existence of the forum)
@cosme-costa said in Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!:
Kk2n-Kk Come on, what do you expect, that a private company tell you the root cause of their bugs before they are solved or even iafter they are solved? You haven’t seen this in any company and IMHO is quite logical.
Where I work we do not tell our customers which are the bugs of the machines or how to solve them as you can imagine.I do not have a SV (I plan to get one for my birthday in some long months) but I am in the Spanish telegram forum where you can get around 250/300 messages per day and I think I only have seen one or two people complaing about restarts that where solved with hard resets.
So I think that restarts happens to few users, not the vast majority. Where I live we have a saying: one time is bad luck, two times is coincidence and 3 times is the KGB (for the joungsters KGB is the CIA from URSS), jocks aside what I mean is that you can get a faulty device, but if with the second one you have the same issues and other people don’t probably you have something that triggers it and as you have been told Suunto has found it. Because I guess your friend has asked for a replacement, hasn’t he?
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