Suunto Vertical GPS Problem?!
Re: Suunto Vertical: Bug Collection
Hey Suunto Fans
Since yesterday I have my vertical watch but on my first run today I had so mystic tracking lines in my app… I run the street straight. But the recording says forward and backward… But look the screenshot of this recorded track. -
@GiPFELKiND it almost seems like you always lose GPS connectivity and have straight lines connecting points
@isazi lost GPS on a new 799€ watch? No accepted. Never had this on my other watches from suunto…
@isazi no trees, good weather, clear sky WHY is this so
@GiPFELKiND said in Suunto Vertical GPS Problem?!:
@isazi lost GPS on a new 799€ watch? No accepted. Never had this on my other watches from suunto…
The more complex watch, the risk of more problems.
@GiPFELKiND Before we jump to conclusions, you might want on comment on your GPS mode you were using. Seems like it was pinging at intervals.
Could you please try another run? My first activity is weird as well
@GiPFELKiND well its for sure not „the watch“ as a product itself, since anybody else who posted here is just getting one of a kind GPS readings from the Vertical. I would guess either your special unit may be faulty, or some settings were not as they should be, like others already commented or there are circumstances concerning the GPS signal at that moment in that area, we just don’t know
@GiPFELKiND What GPS battery made are you using? It does not look as if you had performance mode.
@GiPFELKiND can you share a link to the gpx or fit file? It might reveal what was going on.
Was there only a problem with this ride or others too?
This is not an acceptable track from the vertical watch. I’ll help you as much as I can if it’s a hardware problem. Try another run.
@twekkel suuntoapp-Running-2023-05-20T05-08-21Z-route.gpx
Here is the track…and the GPS file
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos here is the fox track record with my watch suuntoapp-Running-2023-05-20T05-08-21Z-route.gpx
@Brad_Olwin Shure it was performance mode where can I see if I had perhaps the wrong mode?
@altcmd no was definitely performance mode, the thing is the first part from my run was all okay… I sent new pictures so you can look for. Right map is all okay in the woods left side so bad…
@GiPFELKiND thanks. This is the ‘GPX route’ version, without timestamps. Can you share the ‘GPX workout’ too?
What I see (without timestamps) is large gaps between gps lat/lon fixes. Reason, very, very poor reception (under trees?) or very high speed, or bug, or hardware issue. Maybe the ‘workout’ link helps diagnosing the issue it a little better.
@twekkel Workout comes --> here
@GiPFELKiND this helps a lot. For most of the time I see a recording every 1 second, but there are some gaps… without recording timestamp or location.
Activity was about 56 minutes and moving time was 10min less, 46 min. So my guess is ‘autopause’ is enabled, which will stop recording at very low speeds (<2 km/hour) and once you move again it will pick up again. I can imagine that every (near) stop temporary the GPS fix isn’t that good (power saving?), which explains the poor track. For MTB in dense forests I would definitely recommend to disable autopause.
Does this make sense to you?
@twekkel So, I’ve now looked again in the settings, and autopause is disabled. what program/software did you use to read the data so well?!
@GiPFELKiND as a complete linux nerd, I used vi/bash/grep/sed/awk/gpsbabel … gpx files are just text files (and you can use any text editor), so you can lookup the timestamps and check if there are 60 for each minutes and there aren’t.
Take for example minute 05:53:xx … only 20 timestamps (and track location lat/lon) are written for that minute. I assumed that would be because of autopause. Hardware failure looks unlikely to me, but something prevents the SV to write every second like it should in ‘performance’ mode.
In low battery conditions I’ve seen tracks starting of with 1s recordings and then switching over to every 1 minutes (endurance). That is not the case here.
Not sure if very dense forest (GPS fix lost?) can cause this kind of behavior. First half of the track seems spot on, only halfway it shows this phenomena.