Not only images but also Videos of your moves!
I am very pleased that you can also upload videos of your own moves and not just photos in the suunto app! great feature
Not bad at all … although I would still prefer to be able to generate a video from the run/activity (aka Suunto Video
Yes, tried it. Impressive videos (even better looking than the Suunto movies), but much too expensive in my opinion (at least for me/my kind of use)
… and I prefer to have/see/save the videos offline, too -
Expensive? to be honest I never made so many of their videos, just stumbled over their service again a few days ago, just using it very rarely -
… I have not used it for a while, but as far as I remeber: with a free account movies can’t be downloaded, and you can only see the movies from your last 3 activities that have been synced (So I was not able to see the few memorable activities for long …)
Oh yes, you are correct, just checked it… hm…not so nice.
@shrek3k said in Not only images but also Videos of your moves!:
… I have not used it for a while, but as far as I remeber: with a free account movies can’t be downloaded, and you can only see the movies from your last 3 activities that have been synced (So I was not able to see the few memorable activities for long …)
Good to hear (somehow I still had some hope, that they would do some changes even for the free account …).
But that’s the reason why I really would love to have access to Suunto Movie in the future, too, as I only “need” it for a few memorable highlights a year (races, runs in unusual places, a few hikes in the mountains, egg.) … and if possible … offline -
Yes, you are absolutely right about that! -
@tazio390 said in Not only images but also Videos of your moves!:
I am very pleased that you can also upload videos of your own moves and not just photos in the suunto app! great feature
This has been a feature for some time. I don’t know how far back though.