Suunto 9 Peak Pro?
@mountainChris the vibration is software controlled, all testers complained the vibration of S9P and early S9PP was too weak, now it’s not.
@Efejota readability is better for sure .brigther screen , more colors/contrast, different fonts. I read it much easier. For me it was worth it to replace s9p with it
weak and strong does not have anything to do with snare and buzz (tested on a 945LTE). Felt very substantial and quiet. But if strong vibrations go with snare and buzz, it should be choosable.
Everything else: Very good watch, gorgeous look and build quality!
@isazi was there at least at some point a consideration to implement a linear vibration motor? If you or anyone else is allowed to comment on this.
I feel like such vibration is much more pleasant and is one of the small things that makes using a device an exceptional experience.
@isazi now it is annoyingly louder and not that much stronger. But i am not a tester. I am mortal.
@krakra exactly, more loud than strong. Far from premium vibration.
@krakra well, if you notice and notice more than the S9P, it’s working as intended, no
@mountainChris ya. I dont like it. Does not sound premium. I have a feeling watch is broken and because of that vibration is damaged in a way
@isazi you dont read what i am saying or maybe i do not know how to express my thoughts:). It is loud and not much stronger (my opinion, but i am not a tester). If i want loud on my wrist then tone/sound would be preferred. Sorry but the vibration feels cheap and prefer s9p more.
@mountainChris show us a picture
Comments about the vibration passed on to Suunto, just to let you know.
don’t forget to update your watch history in your status
very nice watch!! I think it’s a gem!! -
@freeheeler Thanks
@isazi said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
Comments about the vibration passed on to Suunto, just to let you know.
Thanks very much
@mountainChris Arrggg…still waiting for my Ti Slate pre-order delivery to Canada. Was supposed to come tomorrow by the DHL website just posted a big red ‘Exception Notice’ on delivery and its stuck in Amsterdam. Guess no trail running with Suunto for me this weekend.
@mountainChris matte titanium is perfect finish for my taste. Enjoy your watch.
Agree for vibration, it is a bit stronger but the vibration itself is loud, like cheap loud.
@krakra I always report to Suunto bugs and comments, even when they don’t affect me