See move description and photos without cropping
Really basic things…would it be possible to see the move description and photos in full?
When you share a move to someone who opens it in a browser, randomly crops the photos. Tested with Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. You take a photo of a bike and your friend sees just the sky. Photos look good in the Suunto app but no longer in Is this a new issue? I just recently switched from where photos were not cropped.
In Suunto app, if you write more than a couple of lines in the move description, only the beginning of the text is visible when you later browse the moves in your diary. Everything else is concatenated. There is a workaround if you select the move, start sharing the activity e.g. in whatsapp to see the full text just before sending, then cancel sending. Does it really have to be this difficult? At least I could not figure out any other way.