Turn by turn notifications not working on imported tracks
@dreamer_ my experience is they work when synced with Kamoot (I have no experience of other 3rd party apps) or SA.
But if I download the GPX from Kamoot then manually upload the file there is no Turn by turn.Personally I really don’t like the TbyT so turn it off anyway️
Work around which I think would work if upload to Kamoot and sync automatically from there. It would then add the TbyT.
Hi and thanks for komoot I’ve heard that it’s compatible with Suunto TBT and I just give it a try it seems ok when imported I got the option to enable TBT but it seems that the path is slightly changed between same gpx imported in SA and in Komoot
Is someone know if there are plan to get TbT working with gpx from Strava ? I enjoy a lot designing my trails in SA but sometime I save some nearby athletes Strava activities as path and I want to follow them (good way to discover new singles in the wood ) and in this case tbt is nice to have
Use runalyze to push gpx to Suunto (gpx with tbt inside). Theorically, it should work. -
@Josaiplu I’m getting this issue. Turn by turn notifications are enabled when importing from komoot but the original gpx changes and it’s unusable at all. Even if you select to not change the track in Komoot, It gets changed. So the Komoot workaround does not seem to work.
I’m a bit dissapointed. I like the watch a lot , it has the best hardware of the market but the software has some serious issues that an 800 eur watch shouldn’t.
As far as I know. Bad OHR, the imposibility of pairing multiple sensors of the same type , not able to put wake Up alarms for individual week days and now the TBT not working on imported tracks.
I have not tried with runanalyze though
@dreamer_ I’ll ask Suunto of this is known, as far as I’m aware tbt can be enabled for imported tracks and it should work
@isazi thanks a lot!!
@isazi thanks !! It’s not a blocker but indeed an appreciated feature for some runs
If I understand you well it should also works with Strava and how for competition organiser, will be awesome if it is a bug that could be fixed
@dreamer_ for Komoot it strange it s recommended quite often for drawing gpx I’ve never try it before as it miss heat map but it have nice features I will try to see if I could find out why gpx are changed even if you tell it to don’t do it. Thanks for your feedback
@Josaiplu I will also try with different tracks. Thanks!
I may think for my own tests, that Suunto can handle gpx containing Tbt instructions, only when they are “pushed” from 3rd party platforms, but not with direct import in app.
This, Komoot, Runalyze, QS (for those I know), and Runalyze + QS does not change original gpx, and just push it to Suunto.
I may be corrected, for sure. -
@Mff73 Just to confirm that the Komoot method does not seem to work for me. It seems I’m getting the same issue with different tracks. I understand @Josaiplu is also having that problem with Komoot.
Perhaps there’s a problem with my tracks, but after saving the uploaded gpx, my tracks are changed. I’ll try with a different zone this weekend.I have also tried uploading a gpx to Suunto using the Runanalyze interface. I see the track in the Suunto App, but TBT notifications are not enabled. I need to learn a bit more about this plattform.
would you share one of problematic gpx ?Runalyze is more aimed to be an analytical plateform for your trainnings, getting your activities synced FROM other ones (like Suunto). It brings a certain amount of features, including push routes to Suunto, but it is not bringing any “gpx modifications” not “planification features”. Suunto should treat the received gpx according to its content. As far as i understand and tested.
@Mff73 Attached a gpx file recorded with a Coros Pace 3 a while ago. GPX File
When I upload the track to Komoot and Syncinc then with the Suunto App, I see the TBT notifications in the Suunto App and the map of the track seems also good. But when I test the track with the watch (inside Trail Running), TBT are not ok and the map is also wrong. I will do further tests this weekend.
Thanks a lot.
I’m thinking that the route starts and ends at the same place. It is a route until a point and then a return using the same going track. Perhaps TBT and route is wrong because of that?
@dreamer_ okay maybe you need to help us here a little. So you can get TbT notifications on the watch but those are wrong, is that the issue?
@dreamer_ the case you describe would not work with TbT in general (it works with Garmin because they have routable maps). The turns are added by the app (or a third-party service) to the route, so if you plan the route from A to B but then walk it from B to A in the latter case you are going to get all the TbT notifications from A to B, not B to A.
@isazi thanks a lot. What is strange is that the map is also changed after Kommot. Usually when you are on a race, the return track is not the same, so it’s probably ok for me. But there’s a part that is always shared because start and end places are usually the same.
That track was recorded with a Pace 3 and as far as I remember, TBT was working pretty nice in that watch without doing anything.
I cannot confirm since I don’t have that watch now but I used navigation and I don’t remember this issue either. -
@dreamer_ I may be able to do some more testing during the weekend and send feedback to Suunto.
@isazi thanks!!
@dreamer_ Is the problem perhaps that you are using a GPX file created from a recorded activity and not one generated by a mapping service? I would think that TBT would need to be added using underlying road and trail info from the mapping service (SA or Komoot or whatever). The raw GPX from the watch does not include this info.
I usually use Komoot to create routes and haven’t had any issues with TBT after syncing to SA and then the Vertical. You could try recreating the route on Komoot using their route creation tool and see it that gives you better results.