Hi @all!

I just want to give a little feedback after a while.

I was out on several longer mountaineering trips during the last weeks. The missing breadcrumb issue is solved imho.

Thank you very much for fixing this, suunto vertical now was a perfect companion for all my trips and a worthy successor of my ambit peak 3. I can recommend it to everybody who is looking for a watch for mountaineering.

Even one of my team mates noticed that the display works super good in bright sunlight. So I am super happy with it.

If you use full gps and the map display most of the time ( which I usually do), battery lasts for about 25 hrs. So you can do one longer tour of 12-15 hrs + your way to the mountain hut the day before. If you want to do more trips in a row, it’s better to have the possibility to recharge (I have the non-solar version).

But hey, that’s totally OK for me and I am happy that vertical now covers most of my needs. It is a good and powerful tool for mountaineering after the issues, I had with it during the first months of use, are now sorted out.

So have fun with it! 😊