Posting images...
geoffspakes Bronze Memberlast edited by Dimitrios Kanellopoulos 12 Feb 2017, 20:21 2 Dec 2017, 18:59
Am I nuts or at one point was I able to post pictures to the forum from my phone? I can’t figure out how to do that now…did it change?
Is there a problem ? Maybe the picture is too big in size?
Damn, didn’t try that one!!!
its a slightly misleading image for uploading a picture. One small flaw in this otherwise amazing forum.
@geoffspakes said in Posting images...:
Damn, didn’t try that one!!!
@jthomi I’ll check if I can replace this icon.
First I tried the picture button, for inserting the url of a pic, next to the link button, maybe a new button that mix with the picture/cloud/arrow?
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos said in Posting images...:
@jthomi I’ll check if I can replace this icon.
@jthomi or a different composer altogether. will see
Seems you can also upload videos (at least short). Nice!
I removed the bugs image link icon so we can rest in peace of users pressing the wrong one.
For images use:
(haha I just pressed it)
and for files:
(I pressed it again)
@jarlin If you need more upload types etc or bigger vids drop a comment or ask it’s ok.
@mff73 Yup, works great from desktop but alas screenshots from the Suunto app are on my phone…works great for Movescount or others.