What is the audio feedback for newer watches like?
I noticed newer watches support audio feedback via the app. I only have a 5 peak so don’t get the audio and I assume never will but I’m curious as to what feedback is given and what it sounds like. If it’s good I’d consider upgrading my watch. I used to use my iPhone with iSmoothRun for my sessions and it has great audio alerts and I do miss them.
Does anyone know of any documentation covering the feedback? In particular, does it:
- give auto-lap summaries
- have configurable stats so you can choose what is and isn’t announced
- alert on out of zone for on-watch and for SuuntoPlus Guide workouts
- announce the details of the next interval for a Guide
- announce navigation turn-by-turn or off-route alerts
@far-blue I wonder this too, have never gotten it to work with my Race
@Iceman1 I tested with a Vertical today and it worked without issues. Will test Race later today and report here.
- Autolap yes
- No
- No (I believe)
- No (I believe )
- Not sure need to test