Display of routes on offline maps - how long are they recorded?
Hi all, I enjoy very much the offline maps and when trekking (option ‘trekking basic’) I use the route displayed on the map sometimes to navigate back. I am not talking about a planned route, only the one that is displayed on the map as I am trekking. Reason for asking for help from the community is that I recently did a 7 h 10 km trek from A to B in a forest and on my way back the displayed return route had disappeared and the rest of the way back (even the starting point) were unmarked. Does this mean that the recording of a route on a map is only stored for a certain distance or time? If so, how much is stored and can this be changed? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks. George
@GeorgeK There is no limitation, the whole route you’ve taken should be displayed. I also had this « bug » a few month ago for activities above 10/15km. A restart of the watch had solved and I have never had the issue again. For now, try to test it again with the new fw !
@Tieutieu Thanks very much. This is reassuring.
@Egika Thanks very much Egika!