Suunto plus suggestion - Metronome
Hi everybody,
Just a metronome function that would allow setting for example a beep every x seconds.
Really useful during sessions on an athletics track to keep your pace.
Without a screen display which takes too long to disappear, just the beep.thanks
@Frédéric-Fiandino You can setup the autolap function based on exercise time down to single seconds.
The watch will beep then periodically (only drawback is, that a lot of laps are generated).there is already a feature suggestion to have time and distance based alarms active at the same time individually without auto laps. Let’s see if this will adopted…
@Egika Hi, i know this, but I don’t want an autolap
In there is a powerful language for programming sessions.
It would be enough to add the functionality in the API for example:Warmup
-Press lap 20’ Z1 Pace10x
-Press lap Beep 21"
-Press lap 1’ Z2 PaceCooldown
-10’ Z1 Pace -
Did you have a look at Cadence Coach? If not, give it a try, it could be usable for the purpose.
I isazi moved this topic from Feature Suggestions on