Backlight Standby function Suunto 9 Baro
Hello everyone,
I don’t understand the standby function of the backlight. How does it work? If I use On or Off I can’t see a difference.Has anyone an idea?
Alexander -
@festigrat Did you try it in a dark environment? The standby backlight is very faint in daylight, but more than suffice for darker environments.
Normal backlight is more powerful -
@festigrat Also, do you have “Do not disturb” mode on by any chance? Because if you do, standby backlight is deactivated regardless on the settings.
Hello, thanks for the fast answers. Do not disturb is not on. I don’t recognice any difference if I use Standby On or Off. I used it in dark enviroment. Can you please discribe, what should happen if I use On or Off?
Also check this post: Fixed (it looks brighter on this picture than in real life)
Standby off
Ok, I think the Suunto 9 Peak has additional features. I can only chose On or Off. Can someone please tell me what happen if I chose ON or OFF? What is the result? I can’t see a difference.
@festigrat The Suunto 9 Peak does have more options because it has a light sensor. The Suunto 9 Baro however has a subset of those options and should behave the same.
What firmware version has your watch?
It has the newest firmware. The problem ist, that I don’t understand the manual and I don’t understand how it should behave.
@festigrat With standby to ON the watch should always (except in Do-Not-Disturb mode) enable a very faint backlight to improve readability of the watch. Especially when it gets dark.
With Standby to OFF the watch doesn’t enable a backlight and thus conserving a little power. Only button presses and incoming notifications enable the backlight for about 10 sec.
Thank you very much! Now I understand it. Best wishes. Alexander