How to auto resume auto paused hiking?
I went hiking the other day and decided to try the hiking tracking feature of the watch. During the hike, I had several stops for couple of minutes. When I reached the summit I was surprised to discover that the watch paused the training (probably during one of the stops) and did not resume it.
How could this happen? Should not it detect automatically that I started moving again? It stayed paused for several kilometres.
I also do not remember any beep or vibration that told me to noticed that the training is paused.
I think that in future hikes I can disable the auto pause feature (which is better imo than loosing data)
Additionally, during one of the other stops I had, the tracking on the map acts really wired. It jumps from one point to another. I would be happy to understand what is going on there.
I would like to hear what is the best practice for settings when going hiking.
@artium that jump is due to the pause
@artium not really sure if this is the case on your situation, but it happened to me once with the Ambit 3 Peak.
I use auto-pause with snowboarding and noticed one time the watch did not resume the activity after moving. In fact this was not a bug in the watch, but caused from an action I did. During auto-pause I pressed buttons which caused the watch to change from auto-pause to manual pause. Ofcourse the watch didn’t resume the activity after moving.
Other than that, auto-pause has never failed on me. Although I wouldn’t recommend the feature for low speed sports like hiking. Because of thresholds it is possible the watch pauses the activity when you don’t want it.