Suunto Beta App doesn't sync settings of Spartan Ultra from Movescount?
so if i use this Suunto Beta App i have to connect my watch via cable to Suuntolink too to get it synced to Movescount and also to get my settings synced from there to my watch?in short: the app makes no sense for Movescount Users at all?! is Suunto going to fade out Movescount and Sport-Tracker will take over everything or how can i understand this?
This App just syncs my moves now to Sports Tracker and looks a bit for informational than the Android Movescount App, but not more…
did i oversee anything or are my thoughts right?
for now i will most likely uninstall the app again and stay with the buggy, not nice looking movescount app.
You must have read a bit more in the forum, and you will find answers to that.
Nice first post ! Welcome.
ok, nice answer too…
app uninstalled an will leave the forum again then…fine for me…cya -
@asdf123 the new app is in beta that is why the settings won’t sync. This will come eventually.
That is the purpose of the beta.