Trainer Wrist HR still a current model?
Is the Trainer Wrist HR still a current model?
@sascha It works fine and is supported but may not have updates, The S series are the newest.
@Brad_Olwin So it isn’t in production anymore?
@sascha It’s being sold. Whether it’s being manufactured still only Suunto knows.
@sascha So it is supported but I think unlikely to get any new features.
@Brad_Olwin I’m not anticipating new features, I’m just wondering about the maintenance in case something is broken or should break in the future. I know, this cannot be really answered.
@sascha for what it’s worth, my trainer had a curious bug where it would occasionally soft reset upon changing down to the HR screen from the main watch face.
I sent it off & received a new one, that was only last month, if that answers support questions for now, although not for the long term future.
@sascha also serious bugs like the “day of the week” one that happened at the beginning of the year were fixed also for Spartans.
@sascha Hopefully that answered your question. My experience with Suunto support has been outstanding.