Load gpsx routes to Spartan Sport using Suunto App
Hi there! now I migrated to Suunto App.
How can I load some of my gpsx routes into my Suunto Spartan?
AlessG -
For importing gpx routes into the app please see here:
Then you just connect your watch via bluetooth, go to the route section, there will be a button “use in watch” under the summary of the route.
@jthomi , thanks but in the iPhone Suunto App (1.8.0) it seems to me that there is no way to import a gpsx file. The “+” button allows to build manually a new one.
Do I’m missing something? -
@alessg It is not possible to import with the “+” button right now.
You have to have the gpx-file stored somewhere in your phone, maybe send it to you with an email, or dropbox, or maybe a cloud service. Then open the file and Suunto App should open and import the route.
Tried it right now with iCloud Drive and that didn’t worked.
In iOS, you do not open a file from an app, you open a file ‘with’ an app
I have stored various routes in my own cloud, and there I “click” on the file, and it opens with SuuntoApp. -
@jthomi, thanks a lot! I got it.