Spartan trainer backlight dim
This isn’t a bug, just something I don’t understand. The watch has sometimes a dim backlight, and there is an icon on the bottom of the watch face like a diagonal line on some blob. Battery almost full. Couldn’t find the icon in the user manual or anywhere. This can potentially be a problem if you really need to see the screen for navigation for example. Anyone?
@Droro My Spartan Trainer’s display dims when in Do Not Disturb mode. I wish there were more options to use this - for instance, could be good to leave permanently on when running at night rather than using the full backlight.
Can confirm that the icon for this is as you describe.
@windy ah, OK, problem is I never use do not disturb mode! So maybe it is a bug… And why would do not disturb mode have a dim backlight anyway? Don’t see the logic.
Solved it, there is an ‘auto do not disturb’ button under sleep options, which is on by default.