Will Movescount.com be disabled?
Curious to know if movescount.com will also be disabled, and thus there will be no application that can access my data from my laptop?
@Suunto I think you are shooting yourselves in the foot with this moves, and quite surprised that you could not make the development on the existing platform in a way that older products would not become obsolete! You’re basically telling all users of Ambit, Ambit2, M-series, T-series, Quest, D4i, D4i novo, D6i, D6i Novo, D9i, DX, Zoop, Zoop Novo, Vyper, Vyper Novo, Helo2, Vyper2 and Cobra2 that now that we have purchased your product you don’t care. But maybe that is perhaps indeed the reality…
Its pretty clear in the statement from Suunto that Movescount, the whole service will be closed.