Transfer data from Suunto to Garmin
Hi there,
Is there a way to transfer all my data from Suunto app to Garmin connect platform?Thanks in advance
Tomek -
@tomahawk5000. You can use third services like « rungap » for instance (on iOS)
Maybe other responses if you use search on this forum, it’s been discussed already -
@tomahawk5000 I’ve been trying to upload activity data to Garmin (e.g., using SyncMyTracks), but haven’t had any luck. It seems Garmin may be restrictive about third-party apps syncing data directly to their platform (see I would appreciate better news; although I have switched to Suunto, for now I would like to keep the data synchronised between platforms.
@Maximilian-Mustermann I lost all day but after palnty syncs one by one I did it just one or two haven’t been synced (I had 558trainings). I did it via SyncMyTracks
I sync all data to Garmin via RunGap with no issues