what kind of sport mode to select?
In Switzerland we have something called Vitaparcours.
on this page you have “alle übungen” and a PDF file with all excersice to do on the circuitand some picture how it looks like
as you see it is not only for speed!
Which ond the Suunto vertical sport mode would best fit this kind of excersice?
have a nice day
vinc -
On the pictures it looks like a form of an Obstacle Course Race (OCR).
Thanks for your feedback , it is just more peacefull the the picture i have found in the net about ocr -
I would probably use “Zirkeltraining”, as you run between the exercices and maybe also do some short brakes before after running to the next exercise.
i had to search for zirkeltraining - but yes is like this and outdoor - so i will use this - thankt a lot! -
You are welcome.