Suunto- Race S sleep tracking not working
@Stavrogin I purchased a Suunto Race S a few weeks ago, and since the very beginning, it wasn’t tracking my sleep correctly. Some nights, it said I fell asleep at 3:00 a.m. or 3:30 a.m., when I usually go to bed between midnight an 1:00 a.m. Other nights, it recorded a one-hour nap or nothing at all.
After reading your post, I decided to try sleeping with the watch on my other arm (my right arm; I normally wear it on my left).
The thing is, I always start to sleep on my right side, so wearing the watch on my right arm to sleep means it ends up facing down.
I’ve only tried it three nights, where the watch recorded my sleep perfectly, saying I fell asleep 10-15 minutes after getting into bed (at different times each night, but always got it right within that small margin). On a fourth night, I put the watch on my other arm, the left, and it recorded my sleep incorrectly again.
I’ll keep trying things along these lines, for example putting the watch on my left arm and trying to fall asleep on the left side. I wonder if the position of the watch when getting into bed, face up or face down, or perhaps how much or how little each of us moves in bed in those first few minutes of falling asleep affects the watch’s ability to detect that we started to sleep.
After all, if I’m not mistaken, it’s the movements we make when we’re asleep that the watch uses to decide whether we are in a light, deep or REM sleep phase, right? And since almost all of us have a way of falling asleep in bed, that might explain why sleep tracking works perfectly for some and not for others.
Just a theory, I’ll try to post again in a few days sharing whatever I find relevant, I wouldn’t want to create a false theory that would cause more confusion than anything else.
P.S.: During this brief experiment, if you can call it that, I didn’t change either my resting heart rate or DND hours.
here again it is not tracking sleep data.
it all started when battery was completely drained during the night. Since then it does not work decent anymore.