Running: GPS based autolap
Have you found a way for the Suunto Ocean to register laps based on GPS info? I had another watch that sensed whey I came across the same location, while running laps, and it marked it as a lap, without me having to press any button.
e.g. Running 5 blocks in my residential area gives should identify 5 laps instead of 1 run.
Thanks, happy workout to you all!
@Rikki77 Try the suunto plus loop app. There are three different,one for pace, power and speed.
It does exactly what you are looking for works perfect for me.
Edit: just go to suuntoplus store and type “loop” in the search bar
@Samuel-Pirttikangas Thanks, I’ll be testing that out soon. There’s even 3 flavors of loop: Pace, Power and Speed!