Complementary Training Mode | Cancel Only This Sport
Hi, I wanted to criticize the complementary sport feature not for the option itself, but for not clarifying what you are trying to remove from the registry.
I was training and did a 2 hour session, which I lost, because I got confused, for not being clarified, and when I tried to finish the workout, so that it would be logged in the Suunto App (Android) and uploaded to Strava (Connection) I mistakenly started a multisport on top of the normal one that was already started. When I started this sport I really wanted to finish it, so I tried to pause and cancel the mistakenly activated multisport, but, however, when I supposedly cancelled the multisport I was actually deleting the entire workout and with it all the data. I lost all the data for these 2 hours and then there was no way to get it back.
It would be nice if it would communicate what is being deleted if you have also started a multisport on top of the main sport. And also, that if you delete a workout you can get it back, like other competing companies offer.
Thank you very much and I hope the improvement of these 2 options to avoid that someone else, like me, is affected by this.
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