Lactat Treshhold missing in RACE s
@Richard-Thygesen said in Lactat Treshhold missing in RACE s:
@Mattg576 I have it in Race with external sensor. Is the sw different between Race and Race S?
@Richard-Thygesen Sorry I must have missed your question, no idea I’m afraid as I only have a Race…
I got my Race in December of 2023. It was about April of 2024 before I had a lactate threshold or V02 Max.
I got my Race S in early October. I have 22 runs now in the Suunto app (156km). No clue of the lactate threshold value. I also did the suunto plus app Anaerobic threshold test as I thought it would add the first estimation of the threshold value, and although it was usefull for me to set manually my zones, it did not show up in the watch.
@Marti-Parnau 81 runs and 1300km for me since August and mine still doesn’t display any value. It’s odd that some have it and others don’t.
Any updates from Suunto on this topic. Owning a Race S since October. Got plenty of runs, workouts,… on it. No lactat Threshhold either. Would be nice to get some information from Suunto regarding that. When it appears or how??
@daveathletic same here, race s since november. Plenty of runs since then, but no lactacte threshold estimate.
yes until today no lactat Treshhold.