[Watch] GPS route wrong
And did you use Glonass or only GPS? -
This is the correct spot where route went wrong.
I used only GPS, no Glonass. Best 1s interval.
@keijo-kujala very strange to be honest
Do you see settings > general > about any SGEE ?
This has happened to me lots of times with my previous Ambit 3 Vertical. You have the correct shape of the route but displaced.
This is because the Satellite Data Orbit is not updated. With my A3 Vertical if you didn’t update the satellite info every week/10 days you start getting this. It is what it is, I had several direct messages on twitter with Suunto about this issue, they even got my moves to analyze them but I’ve change the watch before I got any answer from them.
@slash Yes, there are values SGEE 2018-05-28T12:05:01Z and GPS 5.7.10-P2.1-SNT.005
But these must be new info because yesterday I updated Suunto software to version 2.0.40.I sent message to customer service, I’ll wait their answer.
Watches must be allergic to me, I had GPS issues with Polar as well
@keijo-kujala before doing any long runs or long GPS activities, please sync watch with app to update SGEE
@slash How often GPS should be synced? I synced movescount on Tuesday 22.5 and this run was on Saturday 26.5.
@keijo-kujala definately sooner than this
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos Okey, next time I’ll sync before start. Thanks
@keijo-kujala same day is fine.