[Watch] Text cut in some views
@derek-lee Just to break my NDA and perhaps say something more. This FW is done closed and dusted since APR. That said since APR there have been rather no issues and the ones that have arrised Suunto is trying hard to figure out why the OHR update got broke for some models. One and a basic speculation is wrong FW flashing.
@asdf123 Wie sollte man das ansonsten übersetzen und abkürzen, um nicht zu viel Platz zu verschwenden? Ist doch auf einen Blick klar, dass das „Durchschnitt 3 Wochen“ heißen soll. Oder nicht?
No, no don’t be sorry. I’m not trying to bash Suunto, I love my Spartan Trainer and I think I can say for a majority of the users that the 2.0.34 update has made it exponentially better!
I was trying to point out that lots of people(including me) felt that an update would come in April and I think that may have rushed things a bit.
Communication about software updates is definitely a PR thing and might make Suunto look bad on not delivering on promises on time but, I think communication with the users is probably what most people want instead of speculation
. But thanks to you and this forum, I can say owning my watch has gotten a whole lot nicer!
@derek-lee Thanks man! Thanks a lot for these words
No worries!
I don’t think you get enough praise for your work and time that you’ve invested into these forums! We can all agree that we’re all here to make our watches better, even if it doesn’t seem that way.
@solid_dd One of the problems here and at this moement is that a lot of bad things happened, not on this forum, but on others and a lot of people by flashing wrong FW are bricking devices.
That breaks the tremendous effort Suunto and I and other tons of testers did.
We feel “hurt” about it as testers that eg we missed a localization.
From the 1st words of @Derek-Lee I felt kinda worse like we did not test enough while we did.
You know, 100 people of about 14h per week on training on all activities pods etc are here to try to reassure that you get a piece of SW that makes you guys happy and better athletes.
So I do apologize to @Derek-Lee for misinterpreting his post and me getting stuck on the ‘hurt’ feeling.
But, just to get in my shoes, you guys test the Suunto app, when it’s released to Spartans officially and someone comes and says x,y, goes wrong I bet you might feel a bit responsible, and then as we are humans the sentiment changes a bit…
Ouf what a day .
You do a great job here, and also do all your testers, it is impossible to find EVERY bug or translation error.
I totally agree, its subjective. On one hand Suunto can build trust with its current users with communicating delays and roadmaps, but on the other hand, their reputation will take a hit when they don’t deliver or when they have to delay updates. The plan I think they’re taking now is much safer which is to not release things until they’re done and to not provide information about it.
@catracermk said in [Watch] Text cut in some views:
@asdf123 Wie sollte man das ansonsten übersetzen und abkürzen, um nicht zu viel Platz zu verschwenden? Ist doch auf einen Blick klar, dass das „Durchschnitt 3 Wochen“ heißen soll. Oder nicht?
Nur weil ichs mir ausdeutschen kann, ist das lange nicht passend und professionell dargestellt. Da stelle ich an Suunto andere Ansprüche als an einen “chinesischen Billig- Clone”
I found some already, but not so bad ones!
@solid_dd said in [Watch] Text cut in some views:
and if anyone find an error, he can change to English
that works for all
Haha take a rest-you deserve it!
About the bricking firmwares, I think that might be for users in the past who tried flashing old firmwares because I think there’s some sort of fail-safe for 1.12+, at least for the Trainer
And I’m sorry for making you feel worse, it was definitely not the intention. Boy do I have alot to learn about syntax and word usage
@derek-lee said in [Watch] Text cut in some views:
I totally agree, its subjective. On one hand Suunto can build trust with its current users with communicating delays and roadmaps, but on the other hand, their reputation will take a hit when they don’t deliver or when they have to delay updates. The plan I think they’re taking now is much safer which is to not release things until they’re done and to not provide information about it.
You have not seen how it was on Nov 2016.
Let me say some history:
A promised update was to come in late Nov, start Dec. It would include a GPS fix for some offset in specific areas due to the Sirfstar GPS provider.
Unfortunately, the provider was lazy and stalled it. In short, it took longer.
You should have seen what people were saying in the forums.
I will quote one that I recall:
Long_HAUL was the user from the forum WatchUSeek.
Spartan is abandoned. Do not buy the watch. Return it.
Why because time (the most precious currency atm) was not enough and a circular blame game happened.
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos @Derek-Lee @solid_dd
Just look at the Suunto Facebook page or twitter when any problems occurs with firmware, or a broken strap or downtime on Movescount. People go berserk, the communication about problems is way out of line most of the time, people get offensive because they can’t download a move they made right now, at the moment. And maybe have to wait a few hours. Which is really no big deal. Its ridiculous.
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos said in [Watch] Text cut in some views:
Long_HAUL was the user from the forum WatchUSeek.
Spartan is abandoned. Do not buy the watch. Return it.
This poster eventually left…I had my own conversations with him. Unfortunately too many folks out there like this. I pointed out how my Spartan was working and it was clear what the watch could do. I was banking on what it would do and not disappointed…
@jthomi @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos
Yeah, I don’t know if I’m qualified to say it but there’s always a group of people online that you should just ignore and don’t worry about. Especially with customer complaints, sometimes its just best to try your best and don’t get down about it. @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos helps everyone and I’m along with others are grateful for everything he does, I think some people just have to step up.
You’re absolutely right.
@derek-lee said in [Watch] Text cut in some views:
Yeah, I don’t know if I’m qualified to say it but there’s always a group of people online that you should just ignore and don’t worry about. Especially with customer complaints, sometimes its just best to try your best and don’t get down about it. @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos helps everyone and I’m along with others are grateful for everything he does, I think some people just have to step up.
@sartoric I saw that along with several other jobs that are up at Suunto. Everything seems like a mess, hopefully they sort things out!
@derek-lee I don’t think the position is related to any mess, it’s just people mate. People need to retire go on etc etc.
No company has one person in one position forever, and most of the times the separation is mutual. Would be great if not knowing, for example, the predecessor of the position, not to judge no? -
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos Yeah haha sorry. I keep choosing the wrong words, I meant to say that there’s a lot of things going on I’m assuming with the Spartan update, app, and the 3 Fitness that it seems like a mess haha. I wouldn’t know if it actually were.
But yeah, I totally agree with people coming and going. It was just a quick assumption that likely isn’t true.