Firmware 2.13.18 broken on S9Baro?
I did update on Tuesday, no issues.
can you try:
download the zip
Do not extract it
Drag and drop to Suuntolink at the gear icon top right -
S9B has updated. I’s ok.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos there are several things I like about this:
- that you answered with a real answer
- that I can pretend I have a version number just for me
- that, despite taking what seemed like a hell of a long time to update (upwards of 5 minutes, I didn’t remember it so long!), it WORKED!
So, I guess we can rule out a faulty cable then. Question is, will the next “official” update still work? I know where to come if it doesn’t
Thanks everyone for your replies and enjoy holidays, if you can.
@Radu-Negoescu Make sure Suuntolink is updated, I do not know which OS you are on but sometimes on my Mac, Suuntolink does not recognize an update is pending. Restarting the computer will fix this.
@Brad_Olwin Thanks I had checked that. It was the latest version. I suspect @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos has a better idea what might be wrong. His workaround … well … worked.
when doing a drag and drop then it forces the FW update “despite” errors (ie also bugs).
is something wrong with the udpdate system of suuntolink. Im triying to update s9 to last firmware and i cant (i have last suuntolink version and my internet connection works well).
This is a printscreen of the message suuntlink give me.
Any idea???
@j-dominguez yes windows 7 are not supported. I asked the team to fix this.
Ok thanks @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos for the reply
@zadow same for me. I did the firmware update but it’s really annoying to have to be greeted to being asked setting up my language/take me through the onboarding (which I appreciated first time, now it’s just annoying).
Now I want to do a New Years day run and instead this… I got my S9B recently, so this is my second update. I liked all the new watch faces that came with the last update, but is this a common occurence with updates?
@SamLondon it happened to me just once, at the first update when I bought my S9.