start of week discrepancy between SA and SSSHRB
here is a weird one - SA seems ot start my week on Sunday, and my SSSHRB starts it on monday. This becomes an issue mostly when the watch gives you your weekly summary on sunday evening - it always says my week involved 0 hours of activities (sunday is usually my off day)
For instance this week - sa showed 9.5 hours of running activities by saturday night, 0 hours as of sunday morning (new week), and then at around 6pm on sunday night the watch gave the weekly report, and my weekly totals were 0 for all activities.
I’m assuming there is a setting i have messed up, any ideas?
Weird but not new. monday start&in=posts&matchWords=all&sortBy=relevance&sortDirection=desc&showAs=postsI’m closing this one to avoid duplicates