Sync problem
sync problem today Ambit3 and Suunto app. Several who have problem
Some details could be helpful. -
@sartoric I have been using the Suunto app for months. But yesterday when I was going to load over a session of 6 hours it didn’t come over. Ambit3 and Suunto app find each other and everything looks OK. But the sync stops when it is almost finished. Have also tried today without success. Has disconnected the clock, re-loaded the Suunto app, but nothing helps
Well, ambit 3 and Suunto app (I have latest beta ver.) sync i my case VERY slowly, and sometimes I have to close app and try to sync again. Furthermore - both watch and mobile can not “fall” to sleep mode. And very often workout (activity) history has syncing problems. Very frustrating, that after cca 1/2 year these basic functions are not working properly. But I hope these are known bugs, and Suunto is working to fix it…
@estevez «Fast» is always «king». My 6 hours session is still not sync after two days
@KnutB somewhere i read that on long activities best practise is to sync them with the cable, because of the low transfer rate of the ambit via bluetooth.
@KnutB the truth is, that my one cca 8 hours session had problems with syncing too (it synced after 2-3 days, after I repeated syncing after several hours), but it was cca 3 weeks ago.
@mario_b You probably mean Movescount. It is not possible with Suunto app. -
@estevez yes i meant Movescount.
️Sorry, my fault.
@mario_b With Movescount is everything fine; I have been using Movescount via www, and beta Suunto app via mobile (iOS). More you will get used to Movescount with Ambit3, (probably) more you will be dissapointed with Suunto app… But I am aware it is beta, and there is still cca 1 year left. And as I have written, I believe Suunto works hard to make it better.