Suunto ZoneSense
@Brad_Olwin Thats what I was looking for - thank you!
@Brad_Olwin very interesting, thanks - especially that the anticipation would influence HR and how Zonesense is helpful here!
@ChrisA Caffeine influences HR as does stress (work, family) so having fixed HR zones never made much sense. I figured this out over many years running ultras, I run how I feel and on long runs and races will have to put forth more effort than I want to. Pretty sure this is similar to how Courtney Dewaulter trains.
Hi All!!
I’m new to the forum but have been using Suunto for years (Traverse, Spartan and nor Race).
Today I unwrapped a brand new Polar H10 and started a nice running session:
Today there was a 2x5x100m Uphill series on the menu
Below there are two plots: HR vs Pace Plot and DDFAindex vs Pace.
As you can see, the ZoneSense output doesn´t make any sense.I’ll have to test more the H10 in the future but, as far as I’m aware, it is fully compatible with Suunto’s new feature.
So far, the ZoneSense has been working “fine” for me when using Suunto’s HR band. Even when doing Fartleks.Cheers!
@Brad_Olwin That absolutely makes sense! And you’re right: When one thinks about it, there are quite a lot parameters that would influence your HR, making fixed Zones really questionable!
@panadero As stated many times here and in the information on ZS put out by Suunto. Short intervals will not work! This is clear in you DDFA index plot where the DDFA is trending up on the last set of intervals continuously and then remains higher than most of the rest of the run because you are fatigued.
@Brad_Olwin while I understand this statement I find it hard to get why while running at maximal HR (180+) and still be on the green or early yelllw zone while my RPE is different . Eg
I think I need to understand this better . Also ther discrepancy between the watch and the app is significant with the app being more pragmatic , but I lose the real Benefit from the real time part .
@thanasis Your AT was at 154, a good 14-20 bpm higher than mine. My LT is somewhere around 163. If your range is similar to mine your LT is much higher. The graph you show is near AT for a few minutes and ramps up, not constant. For the first one you began getting into Anaerobic. The second enters anaerobic quickly and starts into VO2M, you just were not long enough in VO2M
Assuming we have the same range you should not hit LT until the high 170s to 180 bpm so you were barely at LT. -
@Brad_Olwin thank you !
@thanasis it looks like you were going too fast in first 10 mins of ZS calibration, by judging on the HR in this 10 mins and also that it shows right at minute 10 you were on yellow and moved to green. In general going too fast or too slow during ZS calibration will influence threshold measurements, doing a regular aerobic warmup is best.