Pool swim interval duration totally wrong
I got a really strange bug this morning: one of the swim interval was reported with a duration of 1193 hours :
The total duration of the activity is ok:
Strava uses the sum of intervals for the moving time, which gives a pool sessions of 50 days…
Watch: Suunto Vertical
Firmware: 2.39.44
App : iOS, Beta (2.42.0 (18017)
Link to the activity: https://maps.suunto.com/move/thomas430851/67b6db04cde88e35ad228b2fHas any of you already encountered this kind of issue?
2 days ago swim then my CTL ATL Form become extremely high. Just about 1 hour swim with Zone 1 heart rate. Before i swim my CTL is only about 70.
Besides that, few breaststroke swim recorded as 0 meter distance after i swim multiple 50 meters distance. -
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