S9 (2.4.14) 'Calibrate FusedTrack' interface problem. Suunto Case #01853829
yes, this option is ‘on’ -
@kolyany4 might that be the culprit ?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in S9 (2.4.14) 'Calibrate FusedTrack' interface problem. Suunto Case #01853829:
@kolyany4 might that be the culprit ?
I can turn it off, but I suspect that autopause activation (during exercise) is a consequence of a fact, that watch stops tracking (of movement)…
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in S9 (2.4.14) 'Calibrate FusedTrack' interface problem. Suunto Case #01853829:
@kolyany4 might that be the culprit ?
SherlockHolmes is in you @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos @kolyany4 I ran today with my S9. Wanted to start on Endurance mode but forget, started on Performance and 10 min after my start switched to Endurance. I was asked to calibrate when switching (normal behavior). 40 min into the run I was asked to calibrate again…should not have happened. Cool outside today about 0°C. I did not cover the watch. No autopause no autolap.
is there ‘Altitude search failed’ record in watch logs, that happened during your exercise? -
The altitude search failed is not related
Today had another run with messed track.
This time autolap and autopause were off.
Watch temperature after finish was 23 degrees of Celsius.S9 track:
NB. I had to reset watch to finish Exercise.
According to SA pure running time was 00:23:16Now it’s really interesting to see some altitude data, though I don’t know why there’s such strange non-linear time scale:
NB. I didn’t do any drop-off/climbing at 23 minutes mark…
Here’s part of watch logs (from Exercise start till watch reset):
#20605 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT LOGGER : Exercise started
#20606 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : ERR WBMAIN : *0: app 1982 Event 25 25 805b0315
#20607 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : ERR WBMAIN : 1: mea 0 Event 07 07 80255803
#20608 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : ERR WBMAIN : 2: ui 47 Wait 00 00 00000000
#20609 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : TRC GPS : Full GNSS data subscribed
#20610 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT TRAININGLAB : TLab: ~Mode T 4244 + 4281 A 0 + 1210
#20611 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT TRAININGLAB : TLab: Change mode 2 -> 3
#20612 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT TRAININGLAB : ModeUnsub:2198
#20613 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT TRAININGLAB : ModeSub:4400
#20614 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT TRAININGLAB : TLab: Input source 1
#20615 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT DRT : 235290 tpmrun:13829 tpmwait:6384 tpmstop:214744
#20616 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT DRT : 235290 cbletx:262 cblerx:296 cgnssr:69600
#20617 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT ANALYTICS : Battery-> 3 soc:78
#20618 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT ANALYTICS : #FusHr src:2 time:0
#20619 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : ERR ANALYTICS : colflags2
#20620 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT ANALYTICS : #Act id:3
#20621 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : ERR ANALYTICS : colflags2
#20622 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : EVT ANALYTICS : #GPS mode:BEST soc:-1
#20623 08.11.2018 10:04:06 : ERR ANALYTICS : colflags2
#20624 08.11.2018 10:04:08 : TRC GPS : Broken RMC message
#20625 08.11.2018 10:16:35 : EVT ALTIFUSION : Altitude search failed
#20626 08.11.2018 10:16:35 : EVT ALTIFUSION : Init AltiBaro
#20627 08.11.2018 10:16:35 : TRC GPS : Full GNSS data subscribed
#20628 08.11.2018 10:16:35 : TRC GPS : GnssServiceLevel::OK or GOOD
#20629 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : TRC GPS : Done:GST
#20630 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : TRC GPS : GSTP repeated 7 times
#20631 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : TRC GPS : Send: GSOP 2 120000 0
#20632 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : TRC GPS : Done:GSO
#20633 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : TRC GPS : Send: GSP
#20634 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : TRC GPS : Done:GSP
#20635 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : TRC GPS : Gnss Filter mode: Default
#20636 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : EVT DRT : 751558 tpmrun:56624 tpmwait:27320 tpmstop:665327
#20637 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : EVT DRT : 751558 cbletx:818 cblerx:810 cgnssr:351978
#20638 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : EVT ANALYTICS : #Act id:3
#20639 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : ERR ANALYTICS : colflags2
#20640 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : EVT ANALYTICS : #GPS mode:OK soc:-1
#20641 08.11.2018 10:16:37 : EVT ANALYTICS : Battery-> 7 soc:77
#20642 08.11.2018 10:16:39 : EVT SPEEDFUSION : INFO # speed source 3
#20643 08.11.2018 10:17:15 : EVT SPEEDFUSION : INFO # speed source 2
#20644 08.11.2018 10:18:47 : TRC APPLICATION : Notification n-act-s-tdy not allowed
#20645 08.11.2018 10:26:16 : TRC APPLICATION : Notification n-act-e-tdy not allowed
#20646 08.11.2018 10:33:48 : TRC APPLICATION : Notification n-act-s-tdy not allowed
#20647 08.11.2018 10:35:40 : EVT EXT_FLASH : ExtFID 0x20,0xba,0x19
#20648 08.11.2018 10:35:40 : TRC APPLICATION : Start 2.4.14 in mode 5 (asked 5h) -
Updated S9 firmware to 2.5.18.
Glonass - on. Autopause - off, Autolap - off.
Battery Mode: Custom (GPS - OK, Low Color - On, Display Timeout - On, Touch Screen - disabled)Though watch was not in hanged state at an end of a run (i.e., i was able to finish workout without watch reset),
track is still corrupted (only 1.65 km instead of 5 km):Below is part of watch logs:
#29417 20.11.2018 09:04:26 : EVT LOGGER : Exercise started
#29418 20.11.2018 09:04:26 : EVT BLE : HR RR on (2151201349)
#29419 20.11.2018 09:04:26 : ERR WBMAIN : *0: app 1296 Event 37 805b0315
#29420 20.11.2018 09:04:26 : ERR WBMAIN : 1: mea 1 Event 7 80141106
#29421 20.11.2018 09:04:26 : ERR WBMAIN : 2: ui 271 Wait 0 00000000
#29422 20.11.2018 09:04:26 : TRC GPS : Full GNSS data subscribed
#29423 20.11.2018 09:04:26 : EVT TRAININGLAB : TLab: ~Mode T 0 + 7893 A 0 + 1300
#29424 20.11.2018 09:04:26 : EVT TRAININGLAB : TLab: Change mode 2 -> 3
#29425 20.11.2018 09:04:26 : EVT TRAININGLAB : ModeUnsub:2198
#29426 20.11.2018 09:04:26 : EVT TRAININGLAB : ModeSub:4400
#29427 20.11.2018 09:04:28 : ERR WBMAIN : *0: app 2554 Event 4 805b3365
#29428 20.11.2018 09:04:28 : ERR WBMAIN : 1: mea 7 Wait 0 00000000
#29429 20.11.2018 09:04:28 : ERR WBMAIN : 2: ui 382 Proc 0 00000000
#29430 20.11.2018 09:04:29 : EVT DRT : 259999 tpmrun:14859 tpmwait:8178 tpmstop:236582
#29431 20.11.2018 09:04:29 : EVT DRT : 259999 cbletx:441 cblerx:1028 cgnssr:49566
#29432 20.11.2018 09:04:29 : EVT ANALYTICS : Battery-> 3 soc:93
#29433 20.11.2018 09:04:29 : EVT ANALYTICS : #FusHr src:0 time:0
#29434 20.11.2018 09:04:29 : EVT ANALYTICS : #Act id:3
#29435 20.11.2018 09:04:29 : EVT ANALYTICS : #GPS mode:OK soc:-1
#29436 20.11.2018 09:04:30 : TRC GPS : Broken GSV message
#29437 20.11.2018 09:04:36 : EVT TRAININGLAB : TLab: Input source 0 timeout
#29438 20.11.2018 09:04:36 : EVT TRAININGLAB : TLab: Input source 2
#29439 20.11.2018 09:04:38 : EVT ANALYTICS : #FusHr src:2 time:12558
#29440 20.11.2018 09:04:38 : EVT TRAININGLAB : TLab: Input source 1
#29441 20.11.2018 09:05:02 : TRC GPS : Max input buffer size is 498 of 1001
#29442 20.11.2018 09:05:18 : TRC GPS : Max input buffer size is 500 of 1001
#29443 20.11.2018 09:06:05 : TRC GPS : Max input buffer size is 503 of 1001
#29444 20.11.2018 09:06:06 : TRC GPS : Max input buffer size is 505 of 1001
#29445 20.11.2018 09:06:25 : TRC GPS : preBurner time 120s done
#29446 20.11.2018 09:06:27 : TRC GPS : Done:GST
#29447 20.11.2018 09:06:27 : TRC GPS : GSTP repeated 6 times
#29448 20.11.2018 09:06:27 : TRC GPS : Send: GSOP 2 120000 0
#29449 20.11.2018 09:06:27 : TRC GPS : Done:GSO
#29450 20.11.2018 09:06:27 : TRC GPS : Send: GSP
#29451 20.11.2018 09:06:27 : TRC GPS : Done:GSP
#29452 20.11.2018 09:06:27 : TRC GPS : Gnss Filter mode: Default
#29453 20.11.2018 09:06:28 : EVT SPEEDFUSION : INFO # speed source 3
#29454 20.11.2018 09:06:38 : EVT SPEEDFUSION : INFO # speed source 2
#29455 20.11.2018 09:21:33 : TRC APPLICATION : Notification n-act-s-tdy not allowed
#29456 20.11.2018 09:24:29 : TRC FUEL_GAUGE : Battery: 4206 mV (raw: 4206) soc: 91 %, T: 20.3 C
#29457 20.11.2018 09:26:56 : TRC APPLICATION : Notification n-act-e-tdy not allowed
#29458 20.11.2018 09:36:34 : TRC APPLICATION : Notification n-act-s-tdy not allowed
#29459 20.11.2018 09:37:41 : EVT LOGGER : Exercise paused
#29460 20.11.2018 09:37:41 : EVT <Unknown> : Update fusedtrack mode 0
#29461 20.11.2018 09:37:41 : TRC GPS : Unsubscribed
#29462 20.11.2018 09:37:41 : EVT <Unknown> : stopFusedLocation() called and send 1 points to the logg
#29463 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT PLANNEDMOVES : End:FALSE
#29464 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : TRC SLEEP : sleep: tracking auto 1
#29465 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT TRAININGLAB : TLab: ~Mode T 7893 + 6112 A 1300 + 5710
#29466 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT TRAININGLAB : TLab: Change mode 3 -> 2
#29467 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT TRAININGLAB : ModeUnsub:4601
#29468 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT TRAININGLAB : ModeSub:1000
#29469 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT SPEEDFUSION : INFO # stop speed fusion
#29470 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT LOGGER : Exercise stopped
#29471 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT SPEEDFUSION : INFO # GPS changed from: 60, to: 0
#29472 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : TRC GPS : Unsubscribed
#29473 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT LOGGER : HrIbiLogger stopping, off (0 fetched)
#29474 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT LOGGER : HrIbiLogger all data fetched 0 ms
#29475 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT ANALYTICS : WAOae:Activity WAOae:3
#29476 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT ANALYTICS : WAOae:TotalAcc WAOae:41200,227236,1427663
#29477 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT ANALYTICS : WAOae:AccCount WAOae:68,303,1601
#29478 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT ANALYTICS : WAOae:Distance WAOae:45,61,862
#29479 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT ANALYTICS : WAOae:Duration WAOae:67,303,1600
#29480 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT ANALYTICS : WAOae:Coeff WAOae:0,40,458,669,770,7720,7820
#29481 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT <Unknown> : resetCompassAndHeading() called
#29482 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : EVT FILESYSTEM : maxfh: 4 9e83 settings/modified
#29483 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : TRC GPS : Unsubscribed
#29484 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : TRC GPS : GnssServiceLevel::PASSIVE
#29485 20.11.2018 09:37:43 : TRC GPS : Done:WUP -
I see your issues. Let me communicate this
Maybe some extra information:
When I use the compass from the navigation menu (so not in an activity), I often see the compass is way off. Like 90 degrees or more.
When I turn around I also noticed that the North arrow barely moves or moves in a very jerky way. After a few seconds, the watch prompts me to calibrate the compass and once I did this, all is good again.I noticed this behaviour quite often.
I’m on the latest firmware 2.5.18 -
@surfboomerang if you calibrate it (even if not asked)
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos What exactly do you mean?
After calibration the compass works ok again for a while. This is when the watch prompts me to calibrate as well as a calibration without the watch asking.
@surfboomerang Ok give me some time. @kolyany4 btw goes for HW replacement.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Ok, I’m curious if this fixes the issue for @kolyany4.
In my case I have never had to calibrate my compass during an activity, nor had messed up tracks. But I almost always use the GPS best setting. So maybe I was lucky all the time.
@surfboomerang lets see how it goes …
I am also curious
I have requested to HW replacement, and last notification I’ve received was a week ago about my request being analyzed by Suunto Headquarters. Though, I’m aware that @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos is pushing my request a lot from his side.But I almost always use the GPS best setting
As I understand, compass is not used in “GPS best” mode in order to fill gaps between “GPS-located”-points. Thus, in “GPS best” mode such error should not occur.
@kolyany4 I am on your case. It takes a few due to Russia service etc
Hi ONLY FOR THE COMPASS calibration perhaps we have found a bug.
I want to keep this seperate from @kolyany4 that was loosing GPS.
Also this relates to best mode as I had been asked for compass calibration a few times.
I ll keep you updated