Distance from Stryd
I’ve search in here for the answer but can’t find it, apologies if I’ve missed it.
Is it possible to get distance from Stryd on the Race S?
I read the following here but it’s a little ambiguous: https://help.stryd.com/en/articles/6879259-suunto-compatibility-with-stryd
Suunto is a great pairing with Stryd, and many watches are fully compatible with Stryd delivering both power data and superior pace and distance, compared to GPS.
This list comprises watches that can enjoy the full range of benefits from Stryd as listed above. Watches that are only partially compatible are listed below this list.Suunto 3
Suunto 5/Peak
Suunto 7 (via SportyGo app)
Suunto 9 (All Versions)
Suunto Spartan (All Versions)
Suunto Race
Suunto Ambit 2SWatches that get Stryd power, but then cannot receive pace and distance from Stryd or listed below.
Ambit 3/S/Peak/Vertical Ambit 3R does not receive power from Stryd
If you have a Stryd-compatible Suunto watch you can set it up by following this link: Setup Suunto 3/5/9, Spartan, Vertical, and Ambit 3 and Setup Suunto Ambit -
@Smyles yes, if paired as footpod to your watch, you’ll get distance, pace, cadence and power from STRYD just remember to turn off auto calibration before your first activity, otherwise watch will try to calibrate STRYD and you might not be ready for that