Taking individual time laps during Running training
Hi Suunto fellows,
I want to ask how I can take individual time laps during running. Lets say I am starting my running, than I come to a hill and I want to measure the time what I need to get to the top. After this I go slowly back down again and then starting again the timer while running to the top. At the end I wish to have an overview about my fastest and slowest times of runing to the top of the hill.
Thanks for your help!
Cheers Mo -
@MS_1998 you could use just manual laps, or you can use the Suunto + app for hill reps which gives you a bit more specific hill info both during the activity and after. I.e, on each rep you can see your average GAP, altitude gain and instant HR, and after the end of the rep I think it’s a summary of altitude gain, time taken, GAP, average HR as well as HR currently during the recovery.