Voice feedback on self designed training?
Hi guys,
I’m a new Suunto user and I was wandering, if there is any way to get a voice assistance for an interval training? It would be very helpful to have some kind of notifications when certain stages of your training start/end. Without that the Suunto trainings seem pretty useless to be honest (I obviously don’t look at my watch when I ride a bike) and I prefer to use just any interval app from my phone. -
@mateo-jachas I hope I understood the question
There is an option of voice feedback on the watch
If the phone that is connected to the watch is with you and you have headphones connected to the phone, you will receive a voice alert according to the topic you selected - it is in training options -
At the moment, voice announcements for the next structured workout step are not supported. The only voice announcements are ‘started’, your HR zones and a per auto-lap summary of basic stats.
Improved voice feedback has been requested many times in the forum, along with out-of-range alerts on the watch for structured training. I’m hopeful it will arrive eventually but nothing’s been hinted at yet.
In the mean time, the watch itself does alert you when the next step starts. But it doesn’t alert you when you reach the end of a structured workout.
Thank you for your responses. Yeah, maybe it’s not necessarily “voice feedback” I need. Basically the thing that I need is just to get a notification when I finish my warmup for example or start interval without looking at my watch all the time. Can it make any beep or vibration at that point? I couldn’t find such function.
@mateo-jachas There are 2 ways to support interval training on the watch.
The first is the built-in intervals system where you specify, on the watch and before an activity starts, that you want to do intervals. This adds an intervals page to the activity display but doesn’t actually start the intervals until you flip to that screen and press the top button. Because of this manual start process (so you can get a warmup etc. done) there is no alert to start the intervals but once triggered the watch will vibrate/tone for each step through the interval workout. Once completed the intervals stop but the activity doesn’t so you can continue with an easy cooldown etc.
The second approach is with structured workouts. These are created on the suunto app or via third-party services such as intervals.icu, Training Peaks or Train As One. Here it is more normal for a complete workout including pre and post interval steps is configured so you can setup a 5mins warmup, 10mins easy, then the intervals, then a cooldown. Because all the steps are part of the workout, the watch will vibrate/tone for each step including the pre- and post-interval steps. The watch does not, however, vibrate/tone when the workout completes so you might wish to add a last step of ‘workout complete’ or ‘cooldown’ so you know you’ve ended the workout.
I hope that makes sense
Do people even get voice feedback to work?
I have never got it to work and I have tried everything
@Iggge for me it works
@Iggge Works for me but it’s not the greatest. Just auto-lap summary and HR zone change and you can’t customise the voice, the speed or the content. Huge potential as yet untapped
Got my Vertical in May 2023 and have yet never got it to work. I know that I am not the only one with this problem.
@Iggge you are not alone. But I have given up about this feature.
@Iceman1 Same here!