low zoom level (< 1 km) not available in Norway?
Do you know if there is a specific issue with Norway maps? Currently in Oslo, I had previously to my trip downloaded all Norway maps, including Oslo one. When looking at the map during a bike ride activity, the watch displayed only a grey map when using it with zoom < to 1 km. With 2 km and above, the map was displayed as expected.
I have been using maps for France before, and I had no issue, whatever the zoom level.
Thanks for your help.
Gilles -
@Gilles-D Could you share a specific location?
@pavel-samokha these are the locations I have gone so far and where the map did not display correctly :
If you need more details, let me know.
Thanks, -
@pavel-samokha better with a video : https://share.icloud.com/photos/088VDVw7Z7rItNteZjqkhZM6Q
PS i am at a new location (Rjukan) in Norway, and the issue is a bit different because with zoom at 100 / 200m it is OK, then map becomes grey, than with 10k and 20k it is OK
@Gilles-D if you have a chance please connect your watch to WiFi and put it on charger for 5 minutes, then restart it and try using maps again
hi @pavel-samokha , I followed the procedure and it works now.
Before contacting this forum, I had made sure the status of the maps were “downloaded” on the Suunto app. Apparently it was not completely true, and your procedure helped to solve this issue.
Thanks! -
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