Manual intervals - Cycling power
When it comes to training with power, we rely mostly on power averages, whether 3 secs, 10 secs or 30 secs.
This S+ app is used to mark user-defined power-based intervals.
Wanted to ask if it’s possible to update this S+ app to display on the active screen the Lap avg. power instead of displaying an avg power of last few secs. I think it makes more sense and it’s more useful, that way you can make sure you’re putting in the right level of effort to stay within your power avg target for that lap.
@herlas The problem with that is sprint intervals that take time to get up to speed. The average will reflect the slow start rather than the target. I don’t think a good solution. Could you use a zone alert in addition to the S+ to help with this?
@Brad_Olwin thanks for your reply. Just to be clear, this isn’t about the S+ Sprint pace/power, that’s an automatic triggering of running periods based on the surges we make.
Rather, I’m referring to the manual interval power-based one as per my post title.
And in fact, that’s one of the key advantages of using power as a external metric (in my case from STRYD) to measure the effort, it reacts so quickly to changes in running intensity, it can’t be matched by GPS or heart rate by any stretch.
Specially in short length intervals, power really shines in these, as long as you know what power avg target you’re supposed to hit as well.
Example :
100 meter intervals should be run at 133% of your CP.
200 meters intervals at 126% of CP.Same applies for 400/800 meters, 1K, 1 mile, 2K invervals etc.
I hope it’s more clear now.
Having this S+ app displaying the lap avg power during the ongoing lap will make it almost perfect
@herlas I would ask this as a feature request. But I can imagine someone wanting to increase power over an interval. Say going from 100% to 150%. Anyway defaulting to average power would prevent that use case. Perhaps the best would be a selectable option
For me, when I am doing short uphill RPE10 intervals I do not want average power as I want immediate feedback on my effort as I near the end of a short interval. -
@Brad_Olwin thanks. I’ve been training with this S+ app twice a week now for couple of months and my feedback is pretty much based on my experience using it.
Looks like we might be mixing things up, it has no relation to RPE hill reps or progressive surges. There are other S+ apps for that. E.g. Manual intervals hill reps or peak power S+.
I’m referring to standard usage of interval power-based training , say 1mile @10K power, 800m @5K power etc.
In these kind of scenarios you know what your power target is, and the only way to nail down those is by working with lap avg power.
@herlas I am not mixing up issues here, we simply disagree and that is fine. Say for example I want to run 5K at my CP. I run 4.5K at 100% (my CP ) then slow down to 75%, Lap average power will not accurately show that slowed down. For that last 0.5K it would take a long time to average in the prior 4.5K depending on how much I slowed down. I would rather have a 3 sec instantaneous output. We differ in our uses and your change would not work as well for some users similar to me. That is fine, maybe most users want average power. You can certainly ask.
@Brad_Olwin not a problem, interchanging of different points of views is a good thing.
All I’m saying is lap avg power is the way to dial in and really hit your interval training power targets period.
This S+ app uses manual laps to start the power intervals, not auto laps, and the example you described fits great and it’s doable.
To keep it simple, say 100% CP is 100w, 75% CP = 75w.
You start your run pressing the lap, you can follow the screen to avg 100w for 4.5K, then at 4.5K you hit lap to do 500m at 75w, simple
Otherwise, you won’t know if you averaged your power target until you’re done with the interval
Anyways, thanks for you time and in my opinion, it’s a way to make this S+ more useful for interval training based on power
, I’d appreciate if you or other mod can pass this feedback to the dev of this S+ spp.
@herlas I will ask if this can be done or have the option