Missing weather icon on this watchface.
Missing weather icon on this watchface. Happened to me last month but “repaired” somehow. I click on this empty place, it changes between day/training/battery but missing weather icon (cloud/sun etc.). Soft reset helps, it brings back icon, but after few minutes its gone and its blank, and again need to reset watch. Been searching by “weather” or “icon” but couldnt find same problem.
@Tami999 Do you see if weather is syncing from the Suunto App? Maybe it’s a server issue and there is no data available for your location?
@surfboomerang Ok Sync again with weather bring icon back, just like soft reset. I’ll report later or tommorow if there is still a problem and icon disappear again or not. Thanks!
the “problem” will always appear when last sync is too long ago (can’t remember the amount of hours…)
keep the app running in the background and you’ll be fine -
Seems like it works good so far, but it weird, becouse when I checked weather widget it always says it was last time updated like 1h max. Something must be really wrong that it stopped to automatically update. Thanks Guys!:)