Potential bug: aerobic decoupling creates HR spikes
I turned on Aerobic Decoupling today in SuuntoPlus before my recovery run, and went on the run. When the test started, my HR spiked all the way up to mid-Z4. I stopped running, thinking it was an anomoly, then ran on. Tested ended 10 mins later, same thing happened.
I can repeat this tomorrow to test if it is a true issue?
@Steven-Limmer odd enough! I use it almost daily w/o issues
@robis I’ll test it again tomorrow. It was weird, but both at start and end, high spikes
was it with an optical sensor?
I isazi moved this topic from Suunto 9 Peak Pro on
@false yes, used the onboard WHR
Tested again today, had the opposite problem - it dropped low
@Steven-Limmer best to use a belt. OHR on any watch is not all that accurate.