Undertand new widgets progress / training / Recovery
Here are my data:
widget training: TSS=116 this week (CTL=88 + ATL=80 + TSB=13)
=> the graph shows for TSS: less than 176 = recovery / more than 352 is gains (average on 6 weeks)- with TSS = “score” of the training
- with CTL = long term chronic training = a weighted average on long term TSS (on 42 days)
- with ATL = short term acute training = a weighted average on short term TSS (on 7 days)
- with TSB = almost CTL minus ATL (seems to be)
- However i dont’ understand how the min/max (176 / 352) are computed ?
- Should i reach a TSS more than 352, computed at the end of the week, to improve ?
widget progress : CTL=88 and rampe rate is -14
- How the ramp rate is computed ? Is it computed with the current TSS of the week ? So i should wait the end of the week to see the real ramp rate ?
widget recovery : TSB=13
- i thought it was basicaly the difference between CTL and ATL (reading “undestand and manage training load with suunto”. So i expected 8 here with my values. But perhaps that is more complicated than that.
- i don’t realy undertand the colors “on the last 6 weeks”
"widget recovery : TSB=13
i thought it was basicaly the difference between CTL and ATL (reading “undestand and manage training load with suunto”. So i expected 8 here with my values. But perhaps that is more complicated than that."
This part: dont know why but tsb seems always to show yesterdays difference between ctl and atl. So I bet your tomorrows tsb is 8…
@SuuntoR right ! The TSB of yesterday was 13.
@SuuntoR Not same day because today readiness (TSB) is result from yesterday fitness (CTL) and fatigue (ATL). I think logic is there. e.g today lift weight training to build muscles but your muscles is not growth during training but AFTER your rest and sleep. your muscle require sleep in order for them to growth/recover. After you recovered then your body will become ready to train again.
@SuuntoR Stryd,for those who have subscription do the same thing, only after midnight update the values,no instantly, after the workout. In case of trainingpeaks I don’t know if they update the values after each workout because I don’t use trainingpeaks premium.
@babychai I am not sure if this logic is correct. Physical adaptions don’t happen overnight (if they happen at all). And all this TSS stuff is not about adaption at all, but simply a quantification of training volume combined with intensity. TSB only tells us if we trained more or less recently (ATL), in comparison to the long term trend (CTL). At least to my knowledge, correct me if I am wrong
@tiago TrainingPeaks CTL includes the training of the current day as well:
CTLtoday = CTLyesterday + (TSStoday - CTLyesterday)(1/CTL time constant)
Edit: But the question was TSB. From TrainingPeaks:
The TSB value for Today is calculated from the previous day’s training, and your CTL and ATL values at the end of Today are used to calculate your TSB for the next day.
Now I know that too
FYI, I’m pretty sure runalyse updates CTL, ATL, workload ratio and ‘easy TRIMP’ after every workout sync - and then adjusts the values again after midnight. I don’t know whether TSB changes the same as I’ve never paid that much attention before and after a workout sync
I can see arguments for both approaches so I’m not sure there’s a “correct” way. It’s just good to understand the approach Suunto have taken.
@wmichi Exactly, here is what happens after a long run:)