Vector help with repair…
ou… alright, sorry that we couldn’t help you further and neither can Suunto with a 17 years old watch -
@Deb-Downer this escalated quickly.
@freeheeler Age is not the point. My Patek Philippe will outlive the both of us and only increase in value. Disposable electronics are at the opposite end of the spectrum. The point focus is on vendors too oblivious to a consumer’s needs and that’s when the customer walks. How much effort does it take for Suunto to post on their website that they no longer support vintage watches? No parts. No Service. Shoot an email? Zero pain threshold for athletes that operate their gadgets at 220bpm. Patagonia just returned my 20 year old equipment free of charge. That’s what they call sustainability. The other side of the globe wouldn’t get it if it slapped them on the nose.
I don’t want to start a huge discussion about something I have no control over it.
I would just like to ask you the question if you can imagine in general what the effort is to keep spareparts for older items? In this case we’re talking about several watches, several items, plastics, electronics, seals etc…?
assuming 5-10 people request repair of old devices per year: means every single part needs to be available and technicians need to be trained. -
I can understand you just want to know if your watch is repairable without sending it to Finland
Unfortunately we can’t do much more than suggest the support way.
There are humans replying when available as I said. Maybe try another country support page (UK ?)Please, do not start a rant about anything here
@sartoric You nailed it. You guys are providing a fantastic service to the Suunto community. Suunto should heed your lead. I appreciate the replies and no rant is intended but the point remains very straightforward: Why jump through hoops for a simple response and send DHL (Suunto repair requirement) in a global circle if there is no support for vintage watches? It’s a simple CS fail with a simple fix. How many mouse clicks does it take to post vintage support information? Sugar coat it any way a fanboy would but no excuse justifies sending a product out for service if none exists. I will continue to utilize my Vector with pride but as for future Suunto purchases, sorry, no sale until the communication ticks next level. Many thanks again for your time and patience.
@Deb-Downer UPDATE
Never one to give up so easily (high pain threshold), I’ve managed a breakthrough.
For those of you looking to contact Suunto support directly use the following address:
I have a support ticket number in hand. Wish me luck…
@Deb-Downer I really think that sort of repair is no longer possible on the Vector, but let’s see.
just a very quick check but couldn’t spare part found on the web ?
or -
good to know, thanks -
Thanks google in fact.