VO2MAX (suunto RACE)
Interestingly enough, I just checked my activity history as I’m a new owner myself. I got a vo2 for my first run, but that was a trail run, and it took three “normal” runs before I got them to show on ths widget on the watch…
As a test, sign up for a free Runalyze account and link it to suunto, Viewing the activity in Runalyze will show if a reading was obtained in the background perhaps…? That was showing me vo2 readings even though I wasn’t seeing them or the predicted times until I did three road runs.
@Desdinova OK, thx. I will read data from Runalyze but synchronisation will take some time :
“Your activities will be downloaded within the next hours. This may take some time. You can close this window.”.
I will let you know what data I read.
@iwanczak Hope it helps…
It may help identify if the bug is
A) vo2 is being calculated by the watch but some bug is stopping the widget seeing it or
B)) it’s not being calculated at all…
I suspect A as there is a weird bug with the vo2 complication… on some watchfaces I’ve noticed it doesn’t show any reading, whereas on others it does
Good luck!
@Desdinova thanks.
Data was uploaded very fast but when I open training, like today training, I can’t see vo2max data. Could you wrote please in which place I could see it? In analisys, heart rate data there’s no vo2max.
Note the two values. One is Runalyzes estimate, the blue circled one is Suunto
Note I show two values on mine, the one is Runalyzes estimate. The blue circled one is Suuntos
Or go to a single activity view, go to Miscellaneous and select All
@Desdinova thanks, I’ve tried your tips but I think it only shows calculated vo2max and vo2max by file is empty.
@iwanczak looks like it isn’t calculating then. Try amending your hr zones by 1 bpm, sync to the watch and then change back (hence forcing the watch to re apply them) then try a plain road run of about 10k as a test
@iwanczak nothing under the Miscellaneous - All tab?