Sunnto Race Snorkeling/mermaiding Mode
Does anyone know if the suunto Race has Snorkeling/Mermaiding mode. There discrepancies on this. On the Suunto website it doesn’t list this but on some reviews on YouTube states it does have this mode. I talked to a Suunto representative and they couldn’t answer the question and stated that they didnt have the user manual up yet and didn’t want to give me wrong information. Can anyone shed some light on to this please.
@Albert-Yung I just checked my Race. Both snorkeling and mermaid modes are there.
Wow cool thanks
I will order it soon then
@Albert-Yung Bare in mind it look like there is no depth-meter in Suunto Race
@fluca @Albert-Yung there is a depth-meter in Suunto Race used in the snorkeling and mermaiding sport modes.
@Egika Thank for clarifing. I would suggest to update the comparison tool in suunto site then.
race is on the left, vertical is on the right
@fluca yup, I see. Have forwarded this.