HR belt strange measurements
@Łukasz-Szmigiel no, just by hand with little bit of soap and warm watter. Not sure, but i think i never put it into washing machine.
Voltage can be there, but battery can still be “bad” if no amp comes out.
Without saying it is the cause of your issues, it is just a possibility (for the price of a battery,…).
Can also be some electrostatic issues with your shirt, or still be the belt, even if you think it is recent.
The inside contacts and/or impedance of the contacts may be going into the bad side.
There was a website where someone explain how to measure a belt resistance and decide what to think about it. -
@Tomas5 if you happen to decide to throw it away anyway, give it a machine wash with no more than 30 deg and no rinse aid. I machine wash my H10 belt every workout. Maybe there’s some sweat or dirt residue.
@Mff73 my had high resistance. I did cleaning with solution for electrical contacts and than with soap warm water. Now resistance is under 8kohm. Still a lot but at least by video it is ok if under 10kohm. I will see next time if it helped when i will go for ride.
@Łukasz-Szmigiel i will try next time. Strange is that with ambit watch i had belt for more than 5 years, i used it often and it is still working today. This suunto smart belt i have only little more than two years and use it only sometimes. So it is not used as much. And i do same cleaning for a years. But maybe it is just faulty unit
Now after cleaning with solution for electrical contacts it is working fine. Tested 3 times.
@Tomas5 what solution did you use? imho 2 years of daily use for a belt is perfect and it is time to change
older version was failing in less then a year.
@dombo nah, if it’s solid (not broken), it should work. Just give the sucker a good wash with alcohol and try again.
@dombo i used it maybe once per month so it was really used only little. Old one with ANT+ served well more tahn 5 years of much higher ussage than this one. But for now it works again.
For cleaning i used Kontox i think it is isopropyl alcohol and maybe some other chemicals. I put it on paper towel and rub it until there was black mark on paper. Did it few times and than i washed it with soap and warm water as usual.
You probably know it, but be careful using IPA if you’re cleaning some part that are sealed with some sort of glue as IPA can remove or damage it -
My Suunto HR belt just stopped working a few days ago. First of all I never know if the HR belt will connect with watch. And if it does connect, it’s reporting high HR or failing to stay connected after starting the activity. It will also cause the Suunto 9 to crash every once in a while trying to load HR information after starting the activity. Btw this is all while playing around with my Suunto 9 and not actually using it for an activity. Can you imagine going going out for a run or ride while all this is happening? At this time I have no plans to purchase a new Suunto HR monitor since my primary device is the HRM pro with my Fenix 6. My Suunto gear used to be rock solid and reliable. What happened?
@TyreseJ4 I used to experience the same symptoms. Even a new battery wouldn’t help.
Most likely the belt is faulty, not the button unit. It is hard for the belt to keep working with all the sweat while being streched tight. Chlorine water might cause damage if you use it in the pool.
I kept the button and bought a new Movesense belt, but I am aware that it will fail eventually.
@BrunoH This is great information and good to know. However there’s still problems with the watch that’s preventing me from putting more money into Suunto at this time. I want a to, but now is not that time. Thanks