Navigate to a POI instead to use the Route
First that all, and to avoid this debate about this, I know that I could install 3rd party apps on my S7 to do this, but for me could be great if I can do this only with the S7 and SWA. I really like the option to use only the SWA because I could have this screen on the same app with other information Displays. I don’t want to use any other app.
I like a lot the Suunto workflow to create a route on SA and navigate this with S7, all are just perfect. My main problem is that I not use routes frequently. For my use it’s more efficient to use only a waypoint/POI as reference, and on the ideal navigation software, know in real time a witch distance of straight line of this point I’m are, altitude over this point and direction, just this. My olds S9, S9B, A3P, etc, could to this in a simple way.
It’s strange that S7 couldn’t do this when can navigate turn by turn on the maps, routes, etc and I could imagine that this is extremely more simple.I already tried to make a small route with two very nearest POIs to use as reference but after test the software considered that I already finished this route. The advantage of have this POIs as navigation target like on previous models it’s that always have this active POI as reference and I can go, past over this point, get away again, and always I have on screen the distance, direction and altitude to this POI.
Anyone imagine some approach to do this with routes like works now?
Thanks a lot!
Suunto Dev Team could be possible to add the simple option to navigate to a POI to the SWA with some basic information about distance, ETA, etc? No turn by turn, very simple, straight line to the point